From the little Shop of Cheese at the Tuesday market in Thame. Looking for a raw milk cheese and this one was all they had. It was perfectly ripe and we consumed it with white currant jelly from this years allotment crop
Made by la Fromagerie Chabert at La Fruitière du Massif du Parmesan in Villaz, Haute Savoie. A fruitière is the name given to a traditional cheese dairy located in the Savoie or Jura Mountains. Usually a cooperative , it uses milk from many local milk producers who employ a cheese maker rather than make their own cheese (fermier).

Farm-produced Reblochon is recognisable by its green pellet (and the “Reblochon fermier” indication on its packaging). It usually has a stronger flavour.
Dairy-produced Reblochon, recognisable by its red pellet.