I recently had Lemon Sole at Restaurant Bryn Williams – Somerset House it was served with capers, brown shrimps. Delicious! The following Friday I bought a couple of Dover Soles at Waitrose to try and replicate the dish.

Soles are expensive – captured in small numbers, sustainably using trammel nets.

It has very firm, sweet flesh. I skinned the fish first, it won’t crisp up, it becomes leathery. (Interestingly dover soles actually get better with age and easier to skin).

Dover sole with capers and brown shrimps

Dover Sole (Lenguado) are dextral (right-eyed) and sometimes referred to as common Sole or European Sole. They are not particular to Dover. In Conil Soles are popular and several varieties are available – all referred to as Lenguado. See my post “Lenguado, Soldado, Suela” to help identify each type.