When I revisit my posts I realise that I sound like a Waitrose “fanboy.” It is the best place to buy fish in the area, that I know. The fish counter sells the usual supermarket fare of farmed bass, bream and salmon and trout alongside smoked haddock and kippers. However on Friday these staples are supplemented with wild caught fish. Usually one or two specimens of flatfish; Brill, Lemon Soles and yesterday a small Turbot (Rodaballo) Probably caught by hook & line in the Bristol Channel and landed and processed in Bideford Devon.
It was really fresh with a fine layer of mucus on the skin and even though I wasn’t intending to buy fish I couldn’t help myself.
So hat’s off to Waitrose!
I roasted it with thyme and olive oil and served it with a risotto flavoured with saffron and lemon using Waitrose shellfish stock. A bit reminiscent of arroz abanda.
