More Lamb from Harlesford

Went to Arbequina yesterday and had tortilla de patatas and slow-cooked belly pork with mojo verde It inspired me to cook a caramelised onion tortilla with oregano and make some mojo de cilantro to serve with some lamb cutlets from Harlesford

Mojo is from the Canaries; made with vinegar, garlic, cumin and oil. It is served cold. There are two versions–mojo rojo usually served with meat and mojo verde made with cilantro and usually served with fish. Mojo rojo is also known as Mojo Picón, and is made with two varieties of pimiento and pimentón. Cuerno De Cabra, for heat and Palmera for flavour.

I have fond memories of mojo rojo served with chuletas de vaca (Retinto) in El Yunque in Conil.