There are many variations of this simple dish of “Almejas al Vino Blanco” to be found in the restaurants in Conil. Apart from the traditional presentation of clams, steamed open with olive oil, garlic, parsley and Fino, there is usually a house special “Almejas a la Casa”. I have seen pimentón, pacharán or even small shrimps added. My favourite uses a base of caramelised onions and “taquitos” of jamon. First tried at El Roqueo, this is the recipe used here. The salty, garlicky “juice” should be mopped up with plenty of bread. This is one of those sharing plates where we all stare politely at the last clam on the plate not wanting to appear greedy. The Spanish describe this last remaining morsel that everyone’s too bashful to take “la vergüenza” or “the shame.” ¿Alguien quiere la de la vergüenza? Anyone want the last one?