Egg and Cress Sandwich – Sand and Sulphur.
The egg and mustard cress sandwich is a British picnic staple. Often eaten on the beach with just a pinch … Continue reading Egg and Cress Sandwich – Sand and Sulphur.
The egg and mustard cress sandwich is a British picnic staple. Often eaten on the beach with just a pinch … Continue reading Egg and Cress Sandwich – Sand and Sulphur.
You have to eat outside in the plaza as there are no tables insude. We got there shortly after 9:00 … Continue reading Pàjaro Pinto (la Taberna el Tio de la Tiza)
Calamares are relatively inexpensive and can be prepared in many ways. I like them stuffed and braised. In this case … Continue reading Calamares Rellenos
A typical San Sebastián flavour combination of caramelised onion, roasted green pepper and fresh goat’s cheese. I made these on … Continue reading de Tapeo, de Txikiteo
This year the parsley has been really successful. So has the mint. For the last five years we have struggled … Continue reading Parsley
There are clams to be had from the beach in Conil and you will often see them being collected using … Continue reading Almejas con Cebollas Caramelizadas
Another cheese from Rose Grimond and the team at Nettlebed Creamery. Bix is a soft, unpasteurised, triple cream cheese, named … Continue reading Oxfordshire Cheese Revival – Bix
Rose Grimond started making cheese in January 2015 at the Nettlebed Creamery. Now in its second year, the Creamery is … Continue reading Oxfordshire Cheese Revival – St Bartholomew
Windrush Valley Goat Dairy Not strictly in Oxfordshire, Pinchpool Farm where Renée and Richard Loveridge produce their cheese has an … Continue reading Oxfordshire Cheese Revival – Windrush Valley Goat’s Cheese
Oxfordshire cheese is experiencing a bit of a revival. Once famous for its Banbury cheese, cheese-making had pretty much disappeared. … Continue reading Oxfordshire Cheese Revival – Sinodun Hill
Sourdough starter needs regular feeding. This means making room by throwing away some starter. This feels like a waste. The … Continue reading Sourdough…. What Next?
The Farm was established in 1942 by Colin Stoakes’ grandfather Joseph Alexander who was originally from Cork in Ireland. Colin, … Continue reading Lamb from Harlesford Farm
A lost tradition in the UK is the use of pork or beef dripping from roasted meat as something to … Continue reading Manteca Colorado y Zurrapa
They have been fishing for Bluefin Tuna (Atún Rojo) in Conil for thousands of years They use a traditional method … Continue reading Higado de Atún Rojo
In addition to hams, shoulders, cured loins and sausages, for which Iberian pork is well known, there are many other … Continue reading What is the Secret?