So properly inspired, I have made my first attempt. I created a starter using organic, locally milled, stoneground wholewheat flour from Doves Farm. It has been developing for the last three weeks. Finding time to undertake the double proving over the weekend has been difficult with the first proving being overlong at 24 hours and the second not being long enough at less than 2 hours. That, and not having a suitable banneton meant that the loaf ended up a little flat and misshapen. It tasted good, sweet and nutty. There were plenty of air bubbles and the crust was well formed. I am encouraged and I am looking forward to the next attempt. The starter has been well fed and is hibernating in the fridge.
It all felt like a bit of a production hopefully I can get into a routine and produce at least one loaf per week without it taking over my life.
Stoneground organic wholewheat Sourdough